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Why did I choose my career?

Since I was little I always wanted to be a doctor, I really liked playing doctor and I walked with a briefcase where I took care of my imaginary patients.
Growing up, my desire to study medicine continued, however I did not like seeing wounds or things like those, but I was very interested in the area of ​​hormones, where I could see chronic diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, among others.
When I was in high school I was still interested in that profession, however I knew the chemistry course which I really liked it a lot, I was more interested in this than biology and from there I realized that I wanted to study something related to chemistry, for a long time I thought about biochemistry.
Days before the PSU I began to investigate chemical program with great dedication, there I found Chemistry and pharmacy, I had never investigated it so much, I had only the notion of the pharmacy.

When I investigated it, I realized its wide field of work, where I liked everyone, it was everything I wanted so I decided to study this program
Now, studying Chemistry and Pharmacy I do not regret my choice, I really like it, I love laboratories, and the variety of options I have for my future.
During the summer I did an intermediate practice in a pharmacy and I really liked it. However, the field in which I am interested to work is the Pharmaceutical Industry.
After working for years in the Pharmaceutical Industry, I would like to open my own pharmacy.
Maybe with time I decide on another field, but I am sure that this is the program that I really like.
I would like to know that you would like to study if you could not choose the career you are studying, I listen to your comments, to me medicine (endocrinology) or nutrition.
Qué es Industria Farmacéutica? » Su Definición y Significado [2020]


  1. Hi!
    I was also interested in medicine but I liked the cardiology area. See you!

  2. Hi I was also interedted in medicine too like Scarlett haha chemistry and pharmacy is a nice career I woul'nt exchange it for anything

  3. Hello, the chemistry and pharmacy profession has many job options and that's really good.
    See you!

  4. Hi! It's good that you don't regret of your choice, QyF is so interesting and i believe that is considerated a health career but i don't know . For other part, i would have liked study nutrition if i didn't study chemistry


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