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Changes to my study programme

 Hello everyone, today I will talk about some changes that I would like to see in my study plan. In the first place I consider that there are many classes per semester, even this semester I have 9 classes which is an excessive load and a reasonable number would be better, I would also change some classes such as systems physiology, mechanics, which do not explain the subjects very well and which they are covered in later courses, so I would eliminate these classes that are introductory or made just to have more academic load and that do not play an important role. As for the years of study, I would not change the duration since for my career, which is 6 years, it seems considerable to me to be in the health area. As for the facilities where I study, I consider that there is a lack of spaces to recreate ourselves, adequate places to have lunch, our faculty's own casinos that cover the total number of students, more tables and benches, as well as workshops and elective classes that a
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Time travel to the future

  Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Today I´m going to tell you about a time travel to the future. From I was a little girl I always dreamed about going on a trip to heavenly islands in Greece, like Santorini, Mykonos, Corfu, etcetera. This dream started when I was watching TV in my grandmother´s house with my grandmother, my cousin, and my dad a TV show of world travel and there was showed it, I was in awe of the beauty of the islands. My life plan is going there like 3 or 4 years after I graduate from University, I will save money and I will go there. For the moment the supposed year I would be reaching my dream is 2027 or 2028, so I would like to travel to 2029 to see if I could make my trip and talk with me. To be honest, no matter how much I want to go there, I won´t stay living there, because I will miss a lot my family and my life here, in Chile, and my plan is going in touristic way, have fun, knowing this place and be there enjoying every second, escaping from reality

My Future Job

Hello everyone, today I will talk about the future job that I would like to have when I finish my career. I would like to work where I don't have to attend the public at the moment. My ideal job is in a drug production laboratory, that is, to specialize more in the industrial field or in institutions such as the research ISP (public health institute), in an office and clearly with my work team. I would love to travel a lot for work issues and learn about the technologies of other countries in the development of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. I am quite interested in helping in the field of health but in a more indirect way and not so close-up with people that is why I would not like to work in hospitals or clinics, because I am very sensitive to certain circumstances and that will affect me a lot personally, although not I close myself to the option of working when I am older in many more years in acommunity pharmacy of my own. Then, my ideal job is in an office, but

Childhood Series

 Hello everyone, I wanted to talk about TV shows that I watched as a child. When I was very very kid my parents said that I watched Teletubbies and that it was my favorite show, although I only have small memories. When I was around 10 years old I really liked to watch a program called Sid the Scientist Kid, it was great since it did many entertaining activities, its purpose was educational and in addition to the song of this program it was great, without a doubt it was one of my favorite shows, although I also watched a lot "Caillou" because my little sister watched it, but when I was older I really liked to watch the Disney Channel, there I watched series like Hannah Montana, the Wizards of Waverly place, and Brandy & Mr. Whiskers,  the wizards of Waverly place, usually I saw them in the afternoon around 5 or 6 in the afternoon, then at 8 I saw Hannah Montana, I remember as if it were yesterday that after taking a bath on Sundays I watched this program, and finally when

My pet

 Hello everyone, today I will tell you about my pet named Paddington and he is a dog. Paddington came into my life 3 years ago and it was a gift they gave my little sister for her birthday. It is our first dog, because before we had only had cats as pets. Paddington is not a breed dog, although his grandmother was a Beagle, it is a brown dog with a shiny coat it is similar to sausage dogs  but taller and chubby, its tail is very stylish, and its ears are very tender and elongated. It just stole my heart, because before I them had rejection and fear of dogs because when I was little a dog pit bull bit me and I could not bear being around a dog.  When Paddington arrived and he was very little I was still afraid of them, but little by little I got over it and now I love dogs,  i think they are very intelligent and good companions. Paddington it is Wonderful, because he is always very excited every time I come home, whenever I am sad or worried he is there to give me all his love and with

The best holidays ever

 Hello everyone, I wanted to talk about the best vacations of my life, although I have not had many vacation trips, my favorite it was  in March this year 2021, where I traveled to the city of Pucón, which is in the Araucanía region. I did this vacation with my boyfriend and we went for a week since March 23 to March 30. We did many activities, we visited Lake Caburgua, we rented a cabin with hot jars, we went to the white beach, we visited the center of Pucón and we ate many delicious dishes and the most entertaining thing is that we went trekking in the Huerquehue National Park, this last piece of information he the gave us a nice man who worked driving minibuses in Pucón. The trekking is not our thing with my boyfriend and the path was very long and difficult, it lasted 6 hours but we managed to reach the end of the route with a spectacular view For me it has been the best vacation I have ever had becaus we worked during the summer to pay for it, I went with a person that I love ver

The country that I would like to visit

  Hello everyone, today I want to publish about the country I want to visit, that country is Greece. Greece is located in the southeast of the European continent, it is currently one of the countries of the European Union and also one of those with the richest and longest history for the West. Greece attracts my attention because it is a country with a lot of history, I am interested in knowing more about the past of Greece, the Greek theater, the beginning of philosophy and it's mythology in it's capital called Athens, go on a visit the Olympia stadium where  t hey held the Olympic games in ancient times, also go on   visit to their islands like Santorini, which has really incredible beaches, where there is an excellent view to admire the sunsets. About the gastronomy of Greece, I don't know much but   I would be interested in trying it and clearly to tasting the Greek yogurt in it's preparations. Greece would be a country in which I would like to live, because of