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Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2021

My pet

 Hello everyone, today I will tell you about my pet named Paddington and he is a dog. Paddington came into my life 3 years ago and it was a gift they gave my little sister for her birthday. It is our first dog, because before we had only had cats as pets. Paddington is not a breed dog, although his grandmother was a Beagle, it is a brown dog with a shiny coat it is similar to sausage dogs  but taller and chubby, its tail is very stylish, and its ears are very tender and elongated. It just stole my heart, because before I them had rejection and fear of dogs because when I was little a dog pit bull bit me and I could not bear being around a dog.  When Paddington arrived and he was very little I was still afraid of them, but little by little I got over it and now I love dogs,  i think they are very intelligent and good companions. Paddington it is Wonderful, because he is always very excited every time I come home, whenever I am sad or worried he is there to give me all his love and with