Hello everyone, today I wanted to tell you about my favorite subject of this semester at the University. Well this semester I have 5 subjects: Physicochemistry, Cell Physiology, Organic Chemistry 2, Quality Management and English But the subject that I like most of all is Cellular Physiology, because I feel that one can understand more about the human body, organisms, diseases and learn about how living things work. In the classes of this subject, I listen to what the teacher says and I make conceptual maps, diagrams and summaries. In Cellular Physiology, contents are observed that explain the processes of regulation of anomalies or signals that our body detects (homeostasis), such as the regulation of temperature, sugar, responses to situations of fear, etc. Also through content that explained the passage of substances and molecules through membranes, how do they move and travel through different channels and pumps. Processes in which our body becomes resistant to medicine...